Featured speaker Ken Shelton presented a session at PIVOT: Learning with Friends, hosted hosted by Anderson Community Schools, Frankton-Lapel...
"The Fishtank ELA curriculum aims to develop students into critical readers, writers, and thinkers. We hope to widen their perspectives so that they...
It's been a fantastic year in the Indiana Learning Lab! As the 2023-24 school year wraps up, join us for a year in review full of video clips,...
Indiana schools are incorporating AI-powered platforms into their classrooms. The platforms in this series met the vendor requirements (first or...
Indiana schools are incorporating AI-powered platforms into their classrooms. The platforms in this series met the vendor requirements (first or...
From Flight Intent to Blend to Setting Sail with Ready to Blend, learn about how Franklin Township Community School Corporation effectively utilized...
Are you hoping to improve your synchronous virtual learning sessions? The Office of Digital Learning and The Office of Teaching and Learning recently...
This resource focuses on defining integrated STEM learning and exploring strategies to support it. Participants explore the importance of...
This webinar recording, shared by the US Department of Education, is a guidance to answer questions school officials may have had concerning the...
IXL provides unlimited practice problems with meaningful, up-to-date tracking of student progress. Students are provided thousands of K-12 topics,...