Search Results: early learning foundations guidance

Staff Feedback Survey

This document provides guidelines for soliciting staff feedback on your student prevention or mental health program/initiative, and includes example...

Using Data to Measure Program/Practice Impact

This document provides a step-by-step guide and templates to help you plan for, gather, and analyze outcome data related to your student prevention...

Monitoring Fidelity and Continuous Improvement

This document provides fidelity monitoring guidelines and templates to help you monitor and continuously improve implementation of your student...

Planning for Financial Sustainability

This document provides guidelines and templates to plan for the financial sustainability of your student prevention or mental health...

Communication Plan to Maintain Stakeholder Support

This document provides guidelines and a template to help you communicate with stakeholders in order to maintain support for your student prevention...

Overview: Student Prevention and Mental Health Programs/Initiatives Toolkit

This overview document provides framing for and a brief summary of other documents in the Student Prevention and Mental Health Programs/Initiatives...

Sustainability Overview

This overview document provides framing for and a brief summary of the third section of the Student Prevention and Mental Health Programs/Initiatives...

Program Review Guidelines

This document provides guidelines and templates to help you select an evidence-based prevention or mental health program to meet your school...

Implementation Action Planning Tool

This overview document provides framing for and a brief summary of the second section of the Student Prevention and Mental Health...

Communicating with Stakeholders

This document provides email templates to inform school staff and families about your plans to implement a student prevention or mental health...