Search Results: early learning foundations guidance

5 Research-Backed Tips to Improve Your Online Teaching Presence

Are you an educator teaching remotely? Perhaps there are a few back-to-back eLearning days coming up. You should check out these research-backed...

Nearpod: Accessing and Downloading Reports

What is Nearpod? Nearpod is an interactive learning tool that allows the teacher to create engaging lessons. This tool will enable you to show...

Employability Skills

Indiana’s Employability Skills Standards allow students to be prepared for the ever-changing needs of today’s workforce. These standards, from...

#1000BlackGirlBooks: A Book Campaign

Marley Dias is a purpose-driven 16-year-old founder and author. She founded the #1000BlackGirlBooks campaign because she wanted to read more...

Reflection Activity: Roll & Reflect

At times, it can be a struggle to fit time for reflection into a lesson. There is so much to do! Yet, I think we can all agree that including time to...

Sharing Student Work in Online Spaces

When students share their work with an authentic audience, their learning takes on new meaning. Because the eyes will see the work of the "real...

HASTI 2022: Claim, Evidence, & Reasoning

Hoosier Association of Science Teachers, Inc., or HASTI, will be held on February 13-15, 2022. This PDF shared by Dr. Eimear...


Are you a teacher searching for an interactive way to connect your students remotely? Perhaps you're looking for a digital solution to a gallery...

Scaffolding Collaboration

Collaboration, especially in the digital setting, can be challenging to facilitate. This resource from the Five Star team will give you...


With the Rememberry extension, learning a foreign language is integrated into an activity you already do: browsing websites! Translate any text you...