Search Results: early learning foundations guidance

Make YouTube Safer for Kids

This video from Common Sense Media has excellent tips for parents to make YouTube a safer place to search and explore.  Many of the settings, like...

Introduction to SAMR

Have you ever been introduced to SAMR? Learn what it is all about in this quick illustrated video explanation from John Spencer. SAMR helps teachers...

How to use Google Translate

Are you looking for a translation service that will help you converse with others? Perhaps you are looking to make learning more accessible for your...

Padlet: 30 Ways to Use it in the Classroom

Have you heard of Padlet? Padlet is a powerful tool for collaborating, sharing ideas, and making thinking and learning visible. In this blog post by...

Padlet Tutorial for Students

Padlet is a powerful tool for collaborating, sharing ideas, and making thinking and learning visible. This video walks students through the process...

Future Ready Librarians

According to, Future Ready Librarians® are building-level innovators who believe inEmpowering learners with diverse skills and...

Class Dojo: Big Ideas Empathy Series

Watch this series of videos from Class Dojo with your students and facilitate discussion with related activities for social-emotional learning. In...

Google Classroom: Creating New Assignments

One of the best features of Google Classroom is how easy it is to create and post digital assignments to students!  And because Google knows that...

Microsoft OneNote: Basics & More

Microsoft's OneNote is a powerful, free way to take notes and store all of your important information. Because it's cloud-based, it's always at your...

If-Then Adventure Stories

Google's Applied Digital Skills curriculum is chock-full of significant projects, like this introductory unit "If-Then Adventure Stories" using...