This document provides additional guidance for District Admins in the Learning Lab. If you are new to the District Admin role, be sure to complete...
Hoosier Association of Science Teachers, Inc., or HASTI, will be held on February 13-15, 2022. These PDFs shared by Dr. Eimear...
If you're looking for guidance on STEM instruction, Indiana’s Priorities for STEM Education can assist. Created by the Indiana Department of...
If you're looking for guidance on STEM instruction, Indiana’s Priorities for STEM Education can assist. Use this Learning Lab resource to gain an...
This professional development opportunity will provide insight into some of the common misconceptions and guidance for attending to the literacy...
Join IDOE and Nextech to preview the launch of new classroom resources to teach with and about AI. Participants will have immediate access to a...
In this resource from Ditch that Textbook, discover 10 resources for writing AI policies for your school district.Resources include...ChatGPT,...
New to or curious about Indiana's CoMP? Join IDOE for an informational webinar! Participation, Implementation, and guidance updates will be...
This video from the Indiana Department of Education introduces the findings of a project documenting research-based practices that schools, parents,...
Giving effective feedback is challenging, especially in the digital space. Educators must find the right balance to motivate students and also...