Every year, the Indiana Department of Education sponsors a series of professional development conferences all around the state. However, most...
In order to build connections in a virtual setting, instructors need to establish a “teacher-presence.” Researchers Stone and Springer describe...
Google Classroom is a free Learning Management System that can change teaching in learning, no matter where you or your learners are. Use this...
Google Classroom is a free Learning Management System that can change teaching in learning, no matter where you or your learners are. Use this...
This collection aims to support students in learning more about presentation styles, whether they are the viewer or the creator. Use these resources...
What parts of your teacher day or workflow feel most disorganized? Are there components you'd like to be more efficient? This collection, curated and...
Likely you've discovered that using visuals and multimedia such as audio, video, and GIFs can help elevate teaching and learning in your classroom....
The Canvas learning management system is a robust platform that allows students and educators to access, manage, and communicate about online...
The Canvas learning management system is a robust platform that allows students and educators to access, manage, and communicate about online...
A HyperDoc is an interactive way to package learning and replace the worksheet method of delivering instruction. It's so much more than a document...