This session is a part of the Encore LIVE workshop series, highlighting some of the best sessions from the 2022 Summer of Learning...
"Robert Gagne proposed a framework comprising of a series of events based on the behaviorist approach to learning. These events follow a systematic...
Are you looking for personalized learning resources for your learners? Perhaps you want to learn how to teach a certain skill, whether you are an...
If you've been hunting for a way to identify and close math learning gaps, all while having fun, Boddle is here to save the day. Boddle is a 3D math...
This resource from NGSS describes what phenomena are, why they are such a big deal, how they are related to three-dimensional learning, how phenomena...
Phenomena are a central component of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) aligned teaching and learning, but what ARE phenomena and how can local...
Social annotation is a hands-on, minds-on collaborative activity where reading and thinking occur with others. It brings the age-old process of...
The pandemic called for parents or family members of students to increase the accessibility of learning materials. A popular digital platform in...
Students have needs similar to and different from those learning in a traditional setting in a virtual or blended environment. Students learning...
Google Sites makes it easy for students in all grade levels to create digital portfolios documenting their mastery of standards. The flexibility of...