What can parents do to strengthen their relationship with their child's teacher? Check out this short video from Matt White, Digital Learning...
Khan Academy Kids is a free, fun educational program for children ages two to eight. Khan for Kids focuses on a personalized learning path and...
Check out this interactive infographic from the Institute of Education Sciences for research-based strategies to support social presence in online...
As a result of the academic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must accelerate learning for all students. Check out this workshop where Dr. Eimear...
Daniel McNulty, State Director for the PATINS Project, expands our knowledge on Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Assistive Technology (AT), and...
Digital protocols, also known as EduProtocols or thinking routines, are versatile lesson frames that can be used repeatedly with many different...
One of the most powerful elements within Canvas LMS (Learning Management System) is the Rich Content Editor (RCE). Guest presenters Marcus Painter...
Socrative is a freemium web application perfect for formative assessment in the classroom. Using any device, students can respond to teacher-created...
As educators, when we put forth effort towards something, we want to see and feel that we are making an impact. The pandemic may have taken some of...
Self-reflection is where so much of our learning and growth happens. When we reflect, we take time to consciously think about our thoughts, feelings,...