Join the Office of Kindergarten Readiness and the Indianapolis Zoo for Artsy Thursday in the Learning Lab! In this session, we’ll read a...
Are you looking for strategies to support English Learners (ELs) in virtual learning environments? Join Kristina Robertson, MLL teacher and leader in...
CSEdWeek is an annual opportunity to magnify growth in computer science education and wraps up with a celebration of new additions to the recently...
This session will unpack all that fits into the definition of "digital literacy" and aligns the digital learning vision for supporting educators and...
Have you ever thought, "My students just aren't old enough to use Google Slides?" or "I'm not sure I can foster strong reading skills using the...
Most people think of using Google Slides as a presentation tool. But really, you can use Google Slides for so many creative purposes. In this...
To help students develop 21st-century skills, they will need to move beyond the traditional tests usually given and provide more authentic,...
Edpuzzle is a must-have for any teacher that uses video in their classroom. Not only can you edit videos quickly and embed quizzes into the...
This session provides a high-level overview of the legislation that required IDOE to streamline the Indiana Academic Standards, the streamlining...
PRIME (Postsecondary Ready Investigative Mathematics Experience), is a fourth-year math course that helps students build their math knowledge and...