Viewers will understand the shift from teaching math procedurally to teaching math conceptually. Strategies will be shared to support this shift to...
Viewers will learn more about the SAMR model and computer science intersections with other content areas. Computer science examples that move beyond...
Viewers will learn about the five domains of Integrated STEM and why it is a priority. Different levels of student inquiry are illustrated along with...
This session explores effective change management guidelines, specifically through the lens of school change. Viewers will learn about stages of...
This session provides practical examples of Integration STEM while also providing specific points of alignment with other content areas.
This session delves into the impact of the streamlining process on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts, detailing key...
This session delves into the impact of the streamlining process on the Indiana Academic Standards for Mathematics, detailing key considerations for...
This session provides an update on all state assessments impacted by the updated Future-Focused Standards. The session highlights details of the new...
We know that all learners, including educators, require different supports to be successful. From the team at Five Star, this resource provides...
This resource is a landing page for the 2023 Algebra I Mathematics Frameworks. It is designed to aid educators in unpacking the Future-Focused 2023...