Hosted in partnership with the College Football Playoff Foundation and Host Committee, this installment for the Training Camp Series will focus on...
"Teacher-presence," the idea that students know and interact with an actual instructor, is a key component of successful virtual learning. These...
Take your students on virtual field trips without leaving the classroom. These no-cost learning experiences from Discovery Education come with a...
The website contains resources such as videos, blogs, presentations, workshops, and a resource library. These...
IDOE is excited to host CodeHS for learning about computer science and science in middle school. In this workshop, teachers learn how to promote...
Need some ideas for setting up a workspace for online learning? Check out this resource for seven ideas to help your student stay organized.
IDOE is collaborating with HASTI for this interactive opportunity to learn more about the three dimensional approach embedded in the Next Gen Science...
Ensuring that our learning materials are accessible for all students is always important but even more vital during remote learning when all forms of...
Padlet is a powerful tool for collaborating, sharing ideas, and making thinking and learning visible. This video tutorial from Evgenii...
Board games have several educational merits. They teach students social-emotional skills and allow kids to practice learning to compete while not...