A one page resource that provides a look into supporting decision making in adulthood, transfer of rights, and other important topics for young...
This resources features a list of workforce resources for former students with disabilities, including vocational rehabilitation, college resources,...
Como padre de un niño que tiene o puede tener una discapacidad, las leyes federales y estatales le otorgan ciertos derechos, llamados garantías...
As the parent of a child who has or may have a disability, the federal and state laws give you certain rights – called procedural safeguards. View...
This session will review tips for creating effective video instruction for secondary students that can be used in the classroom or assigned for...
"The ATLAS Project offers an Equipment Lending Library, a no-cost service, that loans assistive technology devices, tool, apps and resource materials...
The IERC is a statewide, centralized repository of Accessible Education Materials (AEM) for school-age students who are blind or visually impaired,...
A calendar of professional development events of interest to special educators in Indiana.
This document outlines the Article 7 requirements that should be considered closely when evaluating ELs with a suspected disability.
This module helps teachers understand second language acquisition, the importance of academic English, and instructional practices that will enhance...
This module offers an overview of young children who are dual language learners. Further, it highlights the importance of maintaining children and...
These forms were developed to help IEP teams work with parents and students to gather information and perspectives prior to the IEP meeting to ensure...
This resource includes information to consider before, during, and after the IEP meeting. It includes information about the parts of the meeting,...
This tip sheet, An Overview of the IEP: What to Know About Your Child's IEP and How It is Developed is intended to help parents understand the key...
This tip sheet reviews the members of the IEP team and their roles. It highlights required members and additional members who may be beneficial in...
When children require special education services, or might require them, parents may have many questions. This information can help.
WIDA Professional Learning provides online workshops that allow educators in the WIDA Consortium to access on-demand, interactive learning...
This video describes the elements of the Advancing ALTELLA toolkit. The elements in this toolkit are designed to support educational teams and...
The tool kit is designed to help state and local education agencies (SEAs and LEAs) in meeting their legal obligations to ELs and in providing all...
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) provides data about students with disabilities who are English learners served under Part B