Furthering Integrated STEM Best Practices: Resources from the Indiana STEM Cadre

The resources in this collection were developed as part of the Indiana STEM Cadre, an IDOE-led project that trained and supported instructional coaches focused on bringing best practices in integrated STEM to their schools during the 2023-2024 school year. The materials found here were presented as twice-monthly professional development delivered as either in-person or vitually. These materials were designed to be led by a facilitator who guides instructional coaches through collaborative activities focused on various aspects of integrated STEM pedagogy and employs a train-the-trainer model. The resources have been modified to fit the needs of a wider audience; they may be used and adapted for independent or group learning by instructional coaches, teachers, or school/corporation administrators. The readings and activities associated with each resource are designed to take from 45 to 90 minutes to complete. The resources in this collection address many aspects of integrated STEM teaching and learning, ranging from approaches to inquiry to the role of assessment. When used as a whole, this collection could help a school/corporation adopt an integrated approach to STEM instruction across traditional STEM, other core subject areas, and electives. In addition to the professional development resources, there are standalone materials that can be used to supplement the learning and aid in program development.

Collection Resources

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