This curated collection offers resources to build artificial intelligence literacy, with resources organized by expertise level. Whether you're just...
Building strong relationships between schools and families contributes positively to student outcomes. In this collection, gather actionable ideas...
FERPA, CIPA, COPPA, eRate, DigCit, and more: this collection shares resources to bridge the gap between the technology department and instructional...
In order to build connections in a virtual setting, instructors need to establish a “teacher-presence.” Researchers Stone and Springer describe...
This collection of resources is a starting point for professional development for high-quality virtual learning.You may also be interested in...
This collection can be used as a starting point for professional development about artificial intelligence. The collection contents include AI...
AI Insights for Educators is a series of presentations from experts, researchers, and authors, featuring important topics related to AI in education....
Parents and families can use these artificial intelligence (AI) resources to support their students. Resources include tips for discussions and...
Looking to infuse some new ideas into your classroom? This collection provides resources related to the ideas referenced in the IDOE's New Year, New...
The beginning of a new year is always a great time to take a moment to reflect and set goals and intentions for the future. This collection contains...
A collection of workshops outlining Indiana's new Early Childhood Education Registered Apprenticeship including how to get started, funding streams...
These rubrics are used to assess student proficiency on the ILEARN English/Language Arts (ELA) performance task for essay writing. Students will...
Providing foundational academic support to our culturally and linguistically diverse students is a cornerstone of the Indiana Department of...
This collection, focused on components related to AI Literacy, shares resources for how to frame the ethical and transparent use of generative...
Indiana schools are incorporating AI-powered platforms into their classrooms. This collection represents a snapshot of the AI platforms being used by...
Presented by The Reading League Indiana and the Indiana Department of Education, this series features nationally-renown reading experts showcasing...
This collection shares stories from Indiana school corporations who have been awarded the Digital Learning Grant and their experiences in the...
The Science of Reading is for all Learners. This collection provides resources to support Science of Reading efforts for special populations. These...
The Summer of Learning conferences offer educators the opportunity to connect with innovative, technology-enhanced pedagogy related to Universal...
This office hours session will begin with a short presentation about the Indiana Kindergarten Readiness Assessment. This presentation will be...