Featured speaker Ken Shelton presented a session at PIVOT: Learning with Friends, hosted hosted by Anderson Community Schools, Frankton-Lapel...
Tom Burton presented his keynote address, Be the Joy!, at Joy Jam 2024, hosted by Eastern Hancock School Corporation.
Dr. Tyler Tarver presented the keynote address, Future-Focused Education, at iTeachTech, hosted by East Allen County Schools.
Matt Miller presented the keynote address, Tomorrow Glasses, at IGNITE, hosted and sponsored by Delphi Community School Corporation, Lafayette School...
This workshop features Dr. Kay Wijekumar from Literacy.IO. A large population of students have not mastered reading comprehension....
The Learning Gap Analysis & Support Tool was developed to assist educators and administrators as they identify the shifts in content or...
The Learning Gap Analysis & Support Tool was developed to assist educators and administrators as they identify the shifts in content or...
Wondering how to make the shift from the 2020 to the 2023 ELA and mathematics standards? Join IDOE content specialists in identifying shifts in ELA...
To spark conversation and reflection on the ways in which school districts engage families. To aid local educational agencies (LEAs) in ensuring...
As summer ends and children return to school, these tips will help children make a good first impression and build strong relationships at school.
Here are six tips from Common Sense Media to help parents support their children with the transition from summer to the new school year.
Understanding prefixes and suffixes and building knowledge about where words come from (or etymology) gives students the tools to decode new words...
Join the 2024 Summer of Learning coordinators as they give participants a sneak preview of the exciting things attendees can expect at their...
How can you help your child keep learning over the summer in the areas where they need the most support? Join this session to find out what Standards...
How can we help our students be successful once they leave high school? One way is to ensure they feel prepared for the job force. This collection,...
In the rapidly evolving landscape of online education, maintaining a supportive learning environment is essential. This webinar will explore...
This professional development opportunity will provide insight into some of the common misconceptions and guidance for attending to the literacy...
This session will explore the Indiana Academic Standards for computer science and share some ideas for using AI in your classroom. We will talk...
Join this session to discuss how to use AI responsibly and effectively and explore how AI both positively and negatively affects our world. We will...
Join Lab team members for this conversational tour of the Indiana Learning Lab. Learn about the easily accessible resources, collections, live and...