Can you really use Chromebooks in...kindergarten? Yes! This resource, from four primary-level educators in Newington Public Schools,...
Screencastify is a helpful Google Chrome extension that allows users to record their screens or themselves and edit videos, embed questions...
In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins gives an overview of the learning...
In this resource from the Indianan Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, unpack the fluency standards for kindergarten...
In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards for...
In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...
In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...
In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...
In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...
In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...
This document unpacks the key ideas and textual support standards for Kindergarten through grade 8 with instructional strategy and assessment...
Lester Laminack gives an overview of the learning progression of the key ideas and textual support standards from Kindergarten through grade 8.
Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for Kindergarten into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.
Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for first grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.
Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for second grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.
Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for third grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.
Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for fourth grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.
Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for fifth grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.
Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for sixth grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.
Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for seventh grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.