Resources FILTERED

Chromebooks in Kindergarten

Can you really use Chromebooks in...kindergarten?  Yes!  This resource, from four primary-level educators in Newington Public Schools,...

Screencastify Keyboard Shortcuts

Screencastify is a helpful Google Chrome extension that allows users to record their screens or themselves and edit videos, embed questions...

K-5 English Language Arts Fluency Standards: Video Overview

In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins gives an overview of the learning...

K-5 English Language Arts Fluency Standards: Overview

In this resource from the Indianan Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, unpack the fluency standards for kindergarten...

English Language Arts Fluency Standards: Kindergarten

In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards for...

English Language Arts Fluency Standards: First Grade

In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...

English Language Arts Fluency Standards: Second Grade

In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...

English Language Arts Fluency Standards: Third Grade

In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...

English Language Arts Fluency Standards: Fourth Grade

In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...

English Language Arts Fluency Standards: Fifth Grade

In this video from the Indiana Department of Education and the Partnership for Inquiry Learning, Kathy Collins breaks down the fluency standards...

Key Ideas and Textual Support: Standards Overview Document

This document unpacks the key ideas and textual support standards for Kindergarten through grade 8 with instructional strategy and assessment...

Key Ideas and Textual Support: Standards Overview Video

Lester Laminack gives an overview of the learning progression of the key ideas and textual support standards from Kindergarten through grade 8.

Key Ideas and Textual Support: Kindergarten

Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for Kindergarten into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.

Key Ideas and Textual Support: First Grade

Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for first grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.

Key Ideas and Textual Support: Second Grade

Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for second grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.

Key Ideas and Textual Support: Third Grade

Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for third grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.

Key Ideas and Textual Support: Fourth Grade

Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for fourth grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.

Key Ideas and Textual Support: Fifth Grade

Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for fifth grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.

Key Ideas and Textual Support: Sixth Grade

Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for sixth grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.

Key Ideas and Textual Support: Seventh Grade

Lester Laminack breaks down the key ideas and textual support standards for seventh grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.