Resources FILTERED

Taking a Deeper Dive: Unpacking the 2023 Mathematics Frameworks

As schools begin to implement the 2023 Indiana Academic Standards, it is more important than ever for educators, coaches, administrators, and all...

Figurative Language Guidance Document

The purpose of this document is to define and specify the elements of figurative language for use with Indiana Academic Standards for...

ISPROUT Office Hours: Skills, Knowledge, and Behaviors (SKBs) - Physical Wellbeing and Motor Development

This office hours session will begin with a short presentation about the ISPROUT assessment. This presentation will be followed by an opportunity for...

Greek/Latin Roots and Affixes Guidance

The purpose of this guidance is to define and specify Greek and Latin roots and affixes for use with vocabulary instruction and morphological study...

Takeaway: Communicating ILEARN Checkpoint Results with Families

This resource is intended for schools and districts who have opted into the ILEARN Through-Year (Checkpoints) Assessment Pilot...

ILEARN Checkpoints Pilot: Communicating Results with Families

This workshop is intended for schools and districts who have opted into the ILEARN Through-Year (Checkpoints) Assessment Pilot...

Takeaway: Data Literacy with ILEARN Checkpoint Results

This resource is intended for schools and districts who have opted into the ILEARN Through-Year (Checkpoints) Assessment Pilot...

ILEARN Checkpoints Pilot: Data Literacy with ILEARN Checkpoint Results

This workshop is intended for schools and districts who have opted into the ILEARN Through-Year (Checkpoints) Assessment Pilot...

Discipline, Suspension, and Expulsion in Special Education

This Indiana Department of Education and InSource office hours event for parents and caregivers discusses suspension and expulsion. 

IKRA Office Hours: Resources and Help Desk - Part 3

This office hours session will begin with a short presentation about the Indiana Kindergarten Readiness Assessment. This presentation will be...

Title I-D: Neglected and Delinquent Institutions

This presentation is meant to inform school administrators about the Title I-D funding stream including what it is and how it can be utilized to...

The Individual Education Program (IEP) - Parent Workshop

This InSource workshop for parents and families covers six principles of IDEA, factors to be considered in an IEP, and an overview of required...

Next Generation Science Standards Parent Guide: Grades 6-8

The NGSS Parent Guides show how students build an understanding of science concepts over time. Sections include “How will we prepare students for...

Next Generation Science Standards Parent Guide: Grades 9-12

The NGSS Parent Guides show how students build an understanding of science concepts over time. Sections include “How will we prepare students for...

Next Generation Science Standards Parent Guide: Grades K-2

The NGSS Parent Guides show how students build an understanding of science concepts over time. Sections include “How will we prepare students for...

Next Generation Science Standards Parent Guide: Grades 3-5

The NGSS Parent Guides show how students build an understanding of science concepts over time. Sections include “How will we prepare students for...

3-Dimensional Instruction

This resource from the Rhode Island Department of Education describes how 3D learning is different, how often each of the 3 dimensions should be...

Summer of Learning Live 2024 - Tech InspirED

Matt Miller presented the keynote address, Tomorrow Glasses, at Tech InspirED, hosted by Clay Community Schools. 

Summer of Learning Live 2024 - Tech EnRiched

Dr. Tyler Tarver presented the keynote address, How to be a Baller Teacher, at TechEnRiched, hosted by Richmond Community Schools. 

Summer of Learning Live 2024 - Splash Into Learning

Dr. Tyler Tarver presented the keynote address, How to be a Baller Teacher, at Splash into Learning, hosted by Batesville Community School...