According to the Education Endowment Foundation, through their synthesis of international educational research, these seven evidence-based...
The Education Endowment Foundation has developed a self-assessment tool for this purpose. Combining this self-assessment tool with other means of...
Using the Frayer model, teachers are able to intentionally incorporate the four elements of vocabulary instruction for tier two and tier three terms:...
Part II of Reading and Writing for Real: Teach your students the power of literacy via interviewing and listening skills, outlined in the Indiana...
In the video, from the National Center on Improving Literacy, the speaker explains how a child's ability to read is greatly influenced by their...
Each month, Imagination Library mails participating children a free book. To support a love of reading and increase enjoyment, these family guides...
Each month, Imagination Library mails participating children a free book. To support a love of reading and increase enjoyment, these family guides...
Each month, Imagination Library mails participating children a free book. To support a love of reading and increase enjoyment, these family guides...
Each month, Imagination Library mails participating children a free book. To support a love of reading and increase enjoyment, these family guides...
Each month, Imagination Library mails participating children a free book. To support a love of reading and increase enjoyment, these family guides...
Each month, Imagination Library mails participating children a free book. To support a love of reading and increase enjoyment, these family guides...
The decoding strand of the reading rope addresses how readers recognize words. The alphabetic principle states letters and letter patterns...
This presentation, facilitated by Natalie Wexler, author of The Knowledge Gap, will explain why it’s important to start building knowledge early...
This article from Reading Rockets provides details and benefits of repeated interactive read alouds in preschool and kindergarten.
This short tutorial will help guide you in how to log students into Epic! Epic! is a free digital library for students and classroom teachers with...
Are you looking for a place for students to conduct research? Perhaps your child needs a new place for books to read for pleasure. Check out INSPIRE!...
Are you looking for a place for students to conduct research? Perhaps your child needs a new place for books to read for pleasure. Check...
Are you looking for a place for students to conduct research? Perhaps your child needs a new place for books to read for pleasure. Check...
Translating literacy standards into high-quality instruction can be a daunting task. This framework from the Indiana Department of Education is...
The Global Digital Library (GDL) is an amazing resource for elementary educators to find free books in various languages. The GDL collects existing...