The AI Education Project has created two teaching resources to help include AI literacy in the classroom. AI Snapshots is a set of classroom...
Hello Ruby is a fantastic space for learners aged 4-10 can learn about technology, computing, and coding. There are activities and games, a book...
Join Amanda McCammon and Stephanie Zircher as Stephanie gives an introduction to Computer Science Week, Hour of Code, and Nextech.
CS First is a coding and computer science program from Google. The program employs Scratch for learners to code. Google identified internet...
Coding Rooms is a real-time platform that allows teachers to engage with students’ code instantly. Students can work with a variety of languages,...
IDOE is excited to host CodeHS for learning about computer science and math in middle school. In this workshop, teachers learn how to promote...
The Indiana Governor's Workforce Cabinet has created the 2021-2022 Career Guide, a great resource to explore in-demand career options in...
Join the team from Teach Indy as well as a panel of Educators to discuss how educators are processing data during the 2022-23 School Year and beyond....
Join the team from Teach Indy as well as a panel of Educators to discuss how educators are processing data going into the 2022-23 School Year. In our...
Join the team from Teach Indy as well as a panel of Educators to discuss how educators are processing data going into the 2022-23 School Year. In our...
What is the science of reading? Check out this IDOE resource and be sure to share with families.
Children are capable of amazing compositional thinking. Adults can see how evidence of this thinking when children make picture books. In this...
An overview of state library and public library services for middle and high school ELA teachers.Resource:State and Public Library Services
Reading is a process: Strategies to Use Before, During, and After Reading
Join IDOE's Tara Bohn and Andrea Washington as they explore myths around sight words and word walls and how to shift those ideas based on research....
Morphological awareness refers to the ability to manipulate morphemes and utilize word formation rules. This workshop with Chenell Loudermill, PhD,...
Watch the Integrating Play Into Literacy video along with this viewing guide.
Including all Individuals in our Communities: Certified school librarians connect learners and learning, leverage a school-wide perspective on...
IREAD-3 allows schools to grow reading proficiency skills by analyzing students' results to inform instruction and provide the appropriate...