Helping struggling readers is paramount to student success. In this resource from Holly Clark of Infused Classroom, learn more about Microsoft's free...
Whooo's Reading is a great alternative to Accelerated Reader in which students are given short, open ended questions about what they read. This...
Whooo's Reading is a great alternative to Accelerated Reader. Your students will be given short, open-ended questions about what they read. This...
These resources provide information about the characteristics of dyslexia and reading difficulties and how to best support students with reading...
Learn about this instructional routine where students engage in partner reading to support one another in finding the most important information in a...
Navigate parent-teacher communication about reading progress, including questions to ask and information to provide at a parent-teacher conference...
In this professional learning, educators will learn about characteristics of dyslexia and reading difficulties and how to best support students with...
Learn about this instructional routine where students engage in partner reading to support one another in finding the most important information in a...
These resources provide information to help educators understand what reading fluency is and how it develops, as well as how to best support and...
Learn about this instructional routine where students engage in partner reading to support one another in finding the most important information in a...
In this video, learn the components of oral reading fluency and its relationship to skilled reading.This resource is part of a larger resourceful...
Sketch the parts of the brain involved with reading, and connect the information to the content presented in the Revealing the Reading Brain...
In this video, understand the Reading Rope model by Scarborough (2001), recognizing that proficient reading involves developing both automaticity and...
Michelle Elia believes that teachers are neurosurgeons, and after viewing this on-demand workshop, you will, too! Dive into this overview of the...
This video depicts a second-grade whole class engaging in a partner reading activity. There are 14 students in this demonstration and they are...
Did you know Google Chrome can make reading easier for everyone? Reading Mode removes clutter and adjusts the text size and font, making it ideal for...
Sometimes called Reciprocal Teaching, Reciprocal Reading refers to an instructional reading activity in which students become the teacher in a small...
In this video, learn about intensifying dosage, alignment, and reading interventions for grades 4–12.This resource is part of a larger resourceful...
In this video, identify evidence-based, research-backed practices in reading interventions for students in grades 4–12.This resource is part of a...
In this video, learn about the basic reading intervention lesson plan structure that includes the principles and practices associated with explicit...