Resources FILTERED

Section 4 Decodable Text: Strengthening Phonics Skills through Practice

In this video, understand the purpose of decodable text as an opportunity to build fluency with the application of phonics skills through direct...

Partner Reading and Summarizing

Learn about this instructional routine where students engage in partner reading to support one another in finding the most important information in a...

Oral Reading Fluency Assessment

Learn the purpose of an Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) assessment and how to administer, score, and interpret an ORF.This resource is part of a larger...

Oral Reading Fluency Assessment Video

In this video, learn the purpose of an ORF assessment and how to administer, score, and interpret an ORF.This resource is part of a larger...

Reading Fluency Development

Develop an understanding of reading fluency as the ability to read text accurately, at an appropriate rate, and with prosody, recognizing how fluency...

All About Oral Reading Fluency

In this video, learn the components of oral reading fluency and its relationship to skilled reading.This resource is part of a larger resourceful...

Section 4: Fluency Professional Learning Facilitation Guide

In this professional learning, educators will learn what reading fluency is and how it develops, as well as how to best support and assess reading...

Section 3 Resources: Word Recognition

These resources provide information about teaching word recognition skills by developing proficiency with phonological awareness and phonics,...

Multisyllabic Word Reading Video

In this video, understand supporting students in reading multisyllabic words using knowledge of syllables and morphemes.This resource is part of a...

Multisyllabic Word Reading Instructional Routine

Document that summarizes the purpose of instruction of morphemes and an instructional routine for guiding students to read multisyllabic words by...

Advanced Phonics: Supporting Students to Read Multisyllabic Words

In this video, identify effective instructional practices for supporting students in reading multisyllabic words using knowledge of syllable types...

Advanced Phonics: Morphology Instruction

In this video, develop an understanding of morphology for reading and spelling and principles of effective morphology instruction to enhance decoding...

Advanced Phonics: Syllable Types and Division Patterns

In this video, develop an understanding of syllable patterns and syllable division to enhance decoding skills and facilitate improved reading...

Decodable Text Instructional Routine Video

In this video, understand how to best utilize decodable texts to promote practice and application of taughtphonics skills.This resource is part of a...

Decodable Text Instructional Routine

Document that summarizes the purpose of utilizing decodable texts to build fluency with application of phonics skills, how to scaffold students in...

Decodable Text: Strengthening Phonics Skills through Practice Video

In this video, understand the purpose of decodable text as an opportunity to build fluency with the application of phonics skills through direct...

Introduction and Review of Irregular Words

In this video, understand the instruction of high-frequency and irregularly spelled words.This resource is part of a larger resourceful toolkit that...

High-Frequency Word Instructional Routine

Document summarizing instruction of high-frequency words with unexpected spelling patterns using a scientifically-based research-based approach of...

Phonics Instruction in Learning to Read

In this video, identify effective instructional practices for teaching phonics, such as explicit and systematic instruction of the alphabetic...

Continuous Blending Instructional Routine

Document that summarizes what connected phonation is and steps for an instructional routine to support students in blending to read words.This...