Resources FILTERED

Tips for Parents of Kindergarteners

Play with letters, words, and sounds! Having fun with language helps your child learn to crack the code of reading.

Integrating Play Into Literacy Instruction

This Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest video shows how to implement research-based literacy practices from the What Works Clearinghouse...

Desmos Graphing Stories

"This activity will help students make the transition from one-variable representations (e.g., number lines) to the TWO-variable representation of...

Dan Meyer Graphing Stories

In this blog post from Dan Meyer, learn all about how he crafted original graphing stories to use with students. Included in the post are separate...

Mathemagical World Graphing Stories

"A graphing story is a classroom routine that can be used to develop secondary school students' knowledge of graphs, relationships and mathematical...

Kyle Pearce Graphing Stories

In this playlist resource from Kyle Pearce, see 3 Act Math Tasks for Graphing Stories. A Three-Act Task is a whole-group math activity with three...

Unpacking Buzzwords: What Does Engagement Really Mean?

Engagement is a word we often hear in the education field, but not everyone is on the same page with its meaning. Join this session to explore the...

8 Steps to Great Digital Storytelling

While students need to become creators of content rather than just consumers, the steps to create a quality product are not always...

Diigo: How to Organize an Outline

Diigo Outliner allows students to annotate and collect information directly from a webpage and easily organize it into an outline that can be shared....

Diigo: An Introduction

Have you ever wondered if there was an easy way to conduct and share research online collaboratively? Look no further than Diigo, a social...

Comprehensive School Counseling in Action

Effective school counseling programs are a collaborative effort between the counselor and other school staff members. This presentation will...

Merging STEM with ELA Through Project-Based Learning

Cross-curricular projects can help dispel the myth that knowledge exists in discrete "chunks" and helps promote a more holistic approach to...

Engaging Students with Current Technology in Math and ELA

Students live in a digital world so it would make sense for teachers to tap into what they already know. Using programs such as Google Education...

The Power of Google Add-ons

To get the most out of Google Workspace, you need to explore the catalog of numerous Add-ons. You can get Add-ons for several Google Workspace Apps,...

Mathematics Process Standards

These documents highlight key connections throughout K-12 mathematics that educators can leverage in their classrooms to promote mathematical...

Equatio: Math Prediction Guide

View the Texthelp support page and companion list of predictive text options for EquatIO in this resource.

Equatio: Creating and Inserting Basic Math

In this resource from the Texthelp support page, view frequently asked questions and discover tips and tricks for creating math expressions without...

Recruitment Strategies for Equitable Computer Science Classes

While Indiana has made excellent progress in the growth of computer science learning opportunities for PK-12 students, expanding access and...

Student Accountability and Engagement: Middle School

When we empower students as conversationalists we invite them to the table to share their knowledge. Let's learn strategies that will guide students...

Student Accountability and Engagement: Elementary

When we empower students as conversationalists we invite them to the table to share their knowledge. Let's learn strategies that will guide students...