Resources FILTERED

UDL Lesson Design Template

UDL Lesson Design Template provides a wealth of resources to help educators design lessons that address engagement, representations, and action and...

Accelerate Learning Unit Planning Template

Unit planning template for educators for accelerated learning including critical prerequisite skills, formative pre-assessments, and types of...

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Assessment Strategies

CAST provides UDL tips for assessment including aligning assessments to learning goals, examples of formative assessment strategies, reducing...


Need a video to spark interest or make your content more relevant to students? ClassHook houses thousands of short clips from popular culture, all of...

Oregon's Importance of High-Quality Instructional Resources

The Oregon Department of Education provides this document summarizing the importance of high-quality instructional materials and includes a curated...

Louisiana Department of Education Implementing Standards for Mathematical Practices Guide

The Louisiana Department of Education provides this guide for implementing the Standards for Mathematical Practice, also known as the Mathematical...

Framework for Connecting the Student and Teaching Practices

This free resource from Solution Tree Press provides educators with a framework for integrating the Mathematical Process Standards (called Standards...

IDOE Accommodations and Modifications Chart

This IDOE chart clearly articulates the difference between accommodations and modifications that can be utilized with students.

Using Informal Assessments for English Language Learners

This article provides strategies and information about two types of informal assessment commonly used with English Learners: performance-based...

Math Learning Recovery Example: 2nd Grade Unit

Example 2nd grade computation unit showing vertical articulation, identification of priority standards, and SENS. Use to facilitate a discussion...

Educator Series: 2022 Grade 5 Science Standards & Frameworks

Join members of the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) STEM Team and expert educator Ryan Mitchell to learn more about the 2022 Grade 5 Science...

Unlocking Student Creativity

This session is a part of the Encore LIVE workshop series, highlighting some of the best sessions from the 2022 Summer of Learning...

Implementing the Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices: An On-Demand Workshop

Dr. Mike Steele, Math Education Consultant, leads us through the implementation of the eight effective mathematics teaching practices and best...

Don’t Fear ‘Opening the Floodgates’ to Parent Feedback

“The effect of parental engagement over a student’s school career is equivalent to adding two or three years to that student’s education.”...

Classroom Community & Management Best Practices: Lower Elementary

Classroom community is at the forefront of success in a class, but just like Rome, it isn't built in a day! Together we will put together a plan to...

Google Docs: Cloze Reading with Drop Down Menus

In this resource from Eric Curts of Control Alt Achieve, discover how to use Google Docs drop-down menus to create Cloze Reading Activities.

Learning Lab: Live Chat

Do you have a certain goal in mind but are unsure of which technology tool may best suit your needs? Are you looking for a protocol to get your...

Enhancing Online Learning Using the Three Types of Interaction

Researcher Michael G. Moore’s Model of Interaction features three types of interactions: learner-content, learner-instructor, and learner-learner....

The TPACK Framework Explained (With Classroom Examples)

TPACK is a technology integration framework focusing on three main components: content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technological knowledge.

3 Key Types of Interaction in Remote Teaching and Learning

In this video, Dr. Erika Smith (Associate Professor and Faculty Development Consultant) illustrates important ways educators can foster three key...