Using the Support element of the WIDA Model Performance Indicators framework for English learner instruction, we have compiled a collection of...
Google Doc with scaffolding techniques for verbal procedural and instructional topics.
This ThinkLink is a tutorial on using Google Sheets to create a word bank. Click on the hearts to view more information.
Digital Learning Resources - Interaction Tools for Multilingual Learners
Technical Assistance Request Form
The website from IDOE with information about the Certificate of Multilingual Proficiency
Use this form to gather information about student families in Spanish.
Use this survey to gather data about student families.
Scaffolds to Support English Language Learners in Writing and Discussion. This includes sentence frames/starters, signal words, and word banks.
Concept maps are visual representations students create to connect ideas, concepts, and terms. Students can use them to organize information they...
Resources from Reading Rockets about Concepts Maps.
One of the components of the WIDA ELD Standards Framework is the Key Language Uses (KLUs). The KLUs summarize the most prominent language uses across...
WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition - Key Language Uses
WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition - Proficiency Level Descriptors
This guide from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) serves to streamline the onboarding of new staff members who will work with English...
This chart allows educators to track students by their level of English language proficiency.
High-Level Comparison of WIDA Standards Editions From 2004 to 2020.
This outline is intended to serve as a roadmap for Indiana schools as they incorporate the 2020 Edition of the WIDA Standards within daily...
Presentation slides about Indiana's Academic Impact & Recovery Data from the 2021-2022 ILEARN.
Indiana Department of Education website for Office of Student Support and Accessibility.