This three-minute video for parents outlines what parents and students need to know about using AI in safe and secure ways. This video is part of a...
This three-minute video for parents discusses AI literacy, which includes the ability to understand, use, and evaluate AI. This video is part of a...
This three-minute video for parents describes why it's important to learn about AI, including its potential impact. This video is part of a series of...
This three-minute video for parents outlines the definition of AI, along with three ways in which different kinds of AI can be categorized. This...
In this video, understand supporting students in reading multisyllabic words using knowledge of syllables and morphemes.This resource is part of a...
Let's embark on an interactive journey to take AI from complex and intimidating to manageable and empowering. In this session, we will demystify AI...
This course contains three modules about artificial intelligence to work through including What Is AI and How Does It Work?, How Will Generative AI...
Use this resource to learn when and how to cite your use of artificial intelligence tools.
We can be proactive about the way we approach safety for ourselves and our children in virtual spaces - we just need the tools to do so. This session...
Preparing children to engage in digital spaces can be a large task—and what is the first step? This first session will dive into how we prepare our...
Progress monitoring (PM) with curriculum-based measures is a powerful tool for using data to change reading outcomes. But common misconceptions about...
A one page resource that provides a look into supporting decision making in adulthood, transfer of rights, and other important topics for young...
This resources features a list of workforce resources for former students with disabilities, including vocational rehabilitation, college resources,...
Como padre de un niño que tiene o puede tener una discapacidad, las leyes federales y estatales le otorgan ciertos derechos, llamados garantías...
As the parent of a child who has or may have a disability, the federal and state laws give you certain rights – called procedural safeguards. View...
Starting conversations about how children engage in digital spaces can be tough. Modelling our own behavior on social media, video games, or other...
There are many different opinions and approaches when we talk about technology use for children. The topic of screen time is nothing new and can be...
This session will model how to use diagnostic reading and spelling assessments to identify next steps in our literacy instruction. The focus will be...
Now that you’re familiar with what diagnostic assessments are and how to use them, this session will demonstrate how to use diagnostic data to...
Most educators would agree that student reflection is an important part of the learning process, but sometimes it can be difficult to guide students...