Resources FILTERED

Why We Stay: A Fireside Chat with Some of Indiana's Top Teacher Talent

Top 3 TOY Finalists share how to use your teacher leadership status to positively impact the educator pipeline and market it to leaders and teachers...

Learning Lab District Admin Feature Workshop

This session, intended for those designated as school or corporation Learning Lab administrators, will introduce admin features such as creating...

Gripe Jam

Reflect on problems, prioritize needs, and identify solutions with this problem-solving protocol from Jennie Magiera. Want to learn more? Check out...

IEP Goal Writing for the Real World

Learn the “Double Check” strategy for IEP goal writing so you can “Double Down” on what’s most important.January Get Your Teach on series.

The Reading Wars: Busting the Myths of Reading Instruction: Lower Elementary

The Reading Wars: A back and forth debate over which way is best to teach students to read. Well, we are here and ready to prepare you for battle. We...

The Reading Wars: Busting the Myths of Reading Instruction: Middle School

The Reading Wars: A back and forth debate over which way is best to teach students to read. Well, we are here and ready to prepare you for battle. We...

The Science of Reading and The Developing Brain : Birth to Age 5 What We Know and What We Do

From birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life. Early brain development has a lasting impact on a child’s...

Take Off Your Shoes and Stay Awhile: Building Community in a Virtual Setting

Being intentional in fostering community in all settings is important, but interaction is especially important in a virtual setting, whether it is...

Grab a Cup of Coffee and Let's Discuss Compassion Fatigue vs Burnout

How to detect the difference between compassion fatigue and burnout among educators. Join the discussion to learn more about the differences and how...

Unpacking Buzzwords: What Does Engagement Really Mean?

Engagement is a word we often hear in the education field, but not everyone is on the same page with its meaning. Join this session to explore the...

Comprehensive School Counseling in Action

Effective school counseling programs are a collaborative effort between the counselor and other school staff members. This presentation will...

Merging STEM with ELA Through Project-Based Learning

Cross-curricular projects can help dispel the myth that knowledge exists in discrete "chunks" and helps promote a more holistic approach to...

Engaging Students with Current Technology in Math and ELA

Students live in a digital world so it would make sense for teachers to tap into what they already know. Using programs such as Google Education...

Recruitment Strategies for Equitable Computer Science Classes

While Indiana has made excellent progress in the growth of computer science learning opportunities for PK-12 students, expanding access and...

Student Accountability and Engagement: Middle School

When we empower students as conversationalists we invite them to the table to share their knowledge. Let's learn strategies that will guide students...

Student Accountability and Engagement: Elementary

When we empower students as conversationalists we invite them to the table to share their knowledge. Let's learn strategies that will guide students...

Supporting Secondary ELs

When the whole school comes together as a collaborative community to support secondary EL students, it creates an environment where they are engaged,...

Beyond Consuming: Interaction in Synchronous and Asynchronous Environments

Quality virtual learning, whether mostly synchronous or asynchronous, must be interactive. Students need to be able to interact with the teacher, the...

Conflict Resolution

This workshop, with Catherine Whitcher, explores the five questions you need to ask when conflict arises.December Get Your Teach On learning series

Evaluating Student Interactions & Student Relationships: Elementary

Strong relationships with peers can dramatically enhance students' level of motivation and therefore promote learning. When positive relationships...