Resources FILTERED

Building Vocabulary & Comprehension Through Content Areas: Middle School

Vocabulary is the bridge to comprehension. Poor vocabulary knowledge directly correlates to reading comprehension + educational achievement. We will...

Technical Assistance/ EL Program Evaluation Toolkit

An overview of Technical Assistance options available through the IDOE Office of Student Support and Accessibility & a walkthrough of the EL Program...

IDOE January 2023 High Ability Webinar

This webinar provides an introduction to how the Indiana Graduates Prepared to Succeed (GPS) and graduation pathways and how they can apply...

Test Security in a Digital World - Part 2

The IDOE Office of Student Assessment review best practices for test security training and monitoring during test administration windows.Resources...

Building Vocabulary & Comprehension Through Content Areas: Elementary

Vocabulary is the bridge to comprehension. Poor vocabulary knowledge directly correlates to reading comprehension + educational achievement. We will...

Virtual Voyagers: Modern Classrooms Project

The Virtual Voyagers series concludes with Emily Dia and Allison Vanterpool from the Modern Classrooms Project, along with teachers actively engaged...

Data + Progress Monitoring Part 2: Leaders

This is Part 2 of this session. If you missed it, watch Part 1 first.Ready to take your students' learning to new heights? Join Chris as he shares...

Building Vocabulary & Comprehension Through Content Areas: Lower Elementary

Vocabulary is the bridge to comprehension. Poor vocabulary knowledge directly correlates to reading comprehension + educational achievement. We will...

Tech Tips that I'm Thankful For!

In this session from the INLearning Partnership's Designing an Attitude of Gratitude summit, join Chris Young from Southern Hancock Schools as he...

Test Security Training in a Digital World: On-Demand Workshop

Many of the strategies you use to teach your students virtually can also be used with your adult learners. Join members of the Department of...

Data + Progress Monitoring Part 1: Leaders

Ready to take your students' learning to new heights? Join Chris as he shares best practices to make data collection, analysis, and progress...

Data + Progress Monitoring Part 1: Instructional Coaches

Ready to take your students' learning to new heights? Join Chris as he shares best practices to make data collection, analysis, and progress...

Play-based Phonological Awareness for Preschoolers

This presentation by Anne Gritt reviews phonological awareness skills that are appropriate for preschoolers, as well as the benefits of incorporating...

Certificate of Multilingual Proficiency

New to or curious about Indiana's CoMP? Join IDOE for an informational webinar! Participation, Implementation, and guidance updates will be...

Support Young Readers Before They Decode

#INLoves Reading Through Purposeful Play - Support Young Readers Before They Decode Through Playful and Word Rich Interactions with Texts Teachers...

Digitize your District Request Forms with Google Templates

Is your district still passing around request forms for field trips, bus usage or conference/travel requests? Learn how you can utilize Google Docs...

New Year, New You: Tech Tips for 2023

Join the Digital Learning Team,  Diana Smith, Meri Carnahan, Matthew White, & Alisha Foor, for a quick and fun...

Why We Stay: A Fireside Chat with Some of Indiana's Top Teacher Talent

Top 3 TOY Finalists share how to use your teacher leadership status to positively impact the educator pipeline and market it to leaders and teachers...

Gripe Jam

Reflect on problems, prioritize needs, and identify solutions with this problem-solving protocol from Jennie Magiera. Want to learn more? Check out...

IEP Goal Writing for the Real World

Learn the “Double Check” strategy for IEP goal writing so you can “Double Down” on what’s most important.January Get Your Teach on series.