Resources FILTERED

Learning Lab District Admin Overview

Some users in the IN Learning Lab have been designated as their district's administrator in the Lab. This workshop is designed to teach those users...

Say It in Six!: An On-Demand Workshop

In this workshop, Larry Smith shares his unique approach to storytelling, stories from classrooms’ six-word projects, and leads the group in a...

30 Minutes to Fewer Student Interruptions - As Soon As Tomorrow!: On-Demand Workshop

Students need to know it's OK to use self-regulation strategies. When they use them, there are fewer student interruptions during lessons. In this...

Using Google Forms for Differentiation

Google Forms is a tool that can differentiate instruction for each student by assigning leveled material based on their answers. It can also provide...

Discover, Create, and Share on the Smithsonian Learning Lab

In this video from Smithsonian Education, learn how to use the Smithsonian Learning Lab, a free platform that gives users access to millions of...

Leaders Eat Last: A No Book Study in 25 Minutes: On-Demand Workshop

Check out this workshop, led by Diana Smith (Director of Digital Learning) and Rebecca Estes (Senior Director of Educator Talent), on key...

Old-school Manipulatives for All Subjects in a Digital Age: On-Demand Workshop

For decades, teachers in all subjects have understood the benefits of students engaging in "hands-on" activities. Tactile manipulation of objects...

UDL & Blended Learning: An On-Demand Workshop

Brenny Kummer, Coordinator of Instructional Technology at Batholomew Consolidated School Corporation, leads the discussion on utilizing Universal...

Lecture Capture: Research & Best Practices

What is lecture capture, and how does it benefit our students? Learn from Diana Smith as she provides research-based considerations when...

Training Camp with Alfreeda Goff

Hosted in partnership with the Indiana Sports Corp and Teach Indy, this installment of the Training Camp series will focus on leadership with guest...

Edpuzzle: Putting the Pieces Together for Engagement

With Edpuzzle, you can customize the video content you show to your students and get a true snapshot of their learning by inserting questions to...

Kami for Collaboration: On-Demand Workshop

In this on-demand workshop with featured guest presenter Ana Rynders, you will learn about collaborating with Kami! Use Kami as a digital whiteboard,...

Why Mattering Matters: An On-Demand Workshop

Guest presenter Shelly Wilfong will summarize and discuss the article in the ASCD November issue of Ed Leadership, "How Mattering Matters for...

Accelerate Learning By Building on Student Assessments: On-Demand Workshop

Examine tech-inspired strategies that push past basic skill-building and focus on student assets. Join guest presenters Brooke Watkins and Heather...

Kickstarting Kindergarten for Administrators: On-Demand Workshop

Check out this workshop, led by Sarah Parks-Reese and the Indiana Department of Education, to learn more about how administrators of early learning...

Digital Diet

Is your plate full? Has your taste for technology changed? Have you lost track of time while snacking on social media? Perhaps a digital diet can...

Making Blended Learning Happen: Differentiation with Google Forms

In this workshop, you will learn how Google Forms can create mastery paths for students. This workshop, led by guest presenter Jonathan Winslow,...

Social Presence and Interaction in E-Learning

View this video, provided by the European Distance and E-Learning Network, to hear from experts and researchers on the role of social interaction in...

STEM School Recertification: What You Need to Know Before You Apply: On-Demand Workshop

Is your school up for STEM School recertification this year? Did you know the rubric has changed from the last time you were certified? Join Dana...

25+ Ways to Boost Student Engagement

As a special education teacher, guest presenter Tammy Meyers has to get and keep her students' attention right away or she loses them. Over the years...