Resources FILTERED

It All Starts With a Plan: Priorities & Best Practices for STEM Integration: On-Demand Workshop

Enjoy this workshop where Jake Koressel, IDOE Computer Science Specialist, reviews the IDOE STEM plan priorities and best practices for integrated...

Getting Started with Google Forms

Google Forms is a digital tool that allows you to create documents to collect answers or data from a group. You can create surveys, questionnaires,...

Digital Protocols: Examining Ideas

Digital protocols, also known as EduProtocols or thinking routines, are versatile lesson frames that can be used repeatedly with many different...

Rolling in the RCE with the Canvascasters

One of the most powerful elements within Canvas LMS (Learning Management System) is the Rich Content Editor (RCE). Guest presenters Marcus Painter...

The Social Media Predicament

Our students receive positive and negative messages through the daily use of phones and social media. How can they learn to sort through the negative...

Inviting Parents in Virtually When it's More Difficult to Engage in Person

We've learned many things through educating during a pandemic, but chiefly among them is the importance of communication. When other adults can't be...

Teacher Efficacy and Agency, Effort Needs to Equal Impact

As educators, when we put forth effort towards something, we want to see and feel that we are making an impact. The pandemic may have taken some of...

Learning Like a Kid Again

Who says that adult learning can't be fun? As we reflect on our professional learning, how can we work towards making sure we are learning things...

Small Moves, Big Changes!

Whether we learn from our own classroom teaching reflections or from a professional development session, it's normal to feel overwhelmed with changes...

9 Ways to Help Kids Learn to Self-Reflect

Self-reflection is where so much of our learning and growth happens. When we reflect, we take time to consciously think about our thoughts, feelings,...

Lead with Intentionality: Making Mindset Part of your Skillset

Leaders must lead with mindset. Make your mindset part of your skillset by affirming what you'd like to be true. Intentionality is huge! As a leader,...

Using ClassroomScreen to Focus the Room

ClassroomScreen is an amazing freemium tool that can make tasks such as starting the day, transitions, and independent work much easier and...

Computational Thinking Across the Content Areas

What is computational thinking? Computation happens everywhere! Spend 30 minutes with Mike Gorman as he defines and addresses the need for...

CS Success Stories

Every fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade student at Greenfield-Central Schools takes a STEM class, and as a part of that takes computer science and...

Teaching and Learning CS with FREE e-books at NCCSE

The National Center for Computer Science Education (NCCSE) champions, researches, and provides equitable computer science education opportunities for...

CS Jobs in Indiana - Navigating Indiana Career Ready

In this session powered by the INLearning Partnership, viewers will learn from Amanda McCammon how to navigate the Indiana Career Ready site in...

Google & CS First

CS First is Google's free, introductory computer science curriculum designed for students in grades 4-8 to teach the basics of block-based coding and...

Google Sheets: Input Data, Output Success

Google Sheets is an incredibly flexible and powerful tool for teachers. With it, you can input, edit, and analyze data. And, just like with other...

Finding Inspiration: Digital Citizenship Live Keynote

This on-demand workshop from the INLearning Partnership features Kat Crawford, executive director of digital innovation for the Schlechty Center and...

Safe and Secure - Questions to Ask Before Selecting Digital Tools and Apps

Join Jessica Zepik, Media/eLearning Specialist at South Madison Community Schools, as she shares easy ways to quickly evaluate a tech tool or app to...