The 5 Practices for Orchestrating Math Discussions: Middle School series is a set of two courses, aimed at providing middle school math educators...
In this video from Edutopia, watch as students use the Critique Protocol to improve their work and the work of others. Utilize this protocol in your...
Think about all the planning that goes into prepping a big event—researching, creating to-do lists, assigning tasks to others, and more. What a...
In this resource from The Art of Education University, learn how to help set you and your students up for success when collaborating on an art...
Brenny Kummer, Coordinator of Instructional Technology at Batholomew Consolidated School Corporation, leads the discussion on utilizing Universal...
In this video from Amy Stevens, learn about creating folders and sub-folders in your Google Drive to keep you organized throughout your school...
While it's fun to read e-books, it's even more amazing to make them yourself! Book Creator allows students to do just that, making their polished...
You're probably familiar with Google Maps, but what about Google My Maps? My Maps is an interactive, collaborative map-making tool from Google that...
Needing to have students give each other feedback or reflect on others' work? This simple protocol is great for learning reflections and feedback,...
Most educators agree that it is essential to offer our students plenty of opportunities to collaborate and participate in cooperative-learning...
What can parents do to strengthen their relationship with their child's teacher? Check out this short video from Matt White, Digital Learning...
Are you an educator that works at a school with block scheduling? It can seem like a daunting task to plan and prepare for eighty to ninety minutes,...
In this on-demand workshop with featured guest presenter Ana Rynders, you will learn about collaborating with Kami! Use Kami as a digital whiteboard,...
Giving students the opportunity to create something original is an important part of the learning process. This article from the Center for Teaching...
AVID Open Access™ is an open educational resource that provides practical, easy-to-use strategies to prepare your students for all that is possible...
Teachers can create videos and assessments via Edpuzzle, but imagine the power of STUDENTS finding and creating videos in Edpuzzle! Watch this video...
Edpuzzle is an amazing video tool that allows teachers to assign video content, check for understanding, reteach, and more. Often, assigned videos...
Templates for Teachers is a website created by Beth Kingsley and Sarah J Kiefer that houses a plethora of Google templates....
Do you love the idea of using Google Slides in your classroom but struggle to find the time to create content before class? Emma Cottier, an...
Are you looking for a fun ice breaker to use with your middle school or high schoolers? Perhaps you're looking to shake things up at the beginning of...