Resources FILTERED

TeachingBooks: Custom Reading Lists

TeachingBooks is a database of resources for children's and young adult books and their authors and illustrators, including short movies,...

TeachingBooks: A Video Introduction

TeachingBooks is a database of resources for children's and young adult books and their authors and illustrators, including short movies,...

Creating Icons using AutoDraw

Are you wanting to create the perfect icon but struggle with drawing? Paula from SlidesMania feels the same way and has created a tutorial on how to...

Understanding Privacy on Social Media

All social networking sites have privacy settings that allow you to control who you share with. Why would we want to change these settings? How do we...

Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is a crucial piece that needs to be taught at every grade level, especially now in virtual/ hybrid learning times. How do we...

Learning Lab: An Overview

Are you a teacher, administrator, or caregiver? Are you looking for help in navigating the virtual space? Look no further! The Indiana Learning Lab...

Hexagonal Thinking | Getting Started

Hexagonal thinking is a fantastic framework for discussion and critical thinking. We love this protocol for its versatility and power. In this...

Science of Reading Modules

The Science of Reading Modules is a two-part self-paced course series where participants will learn what the Science of Reading is and how it informs...

Summer of Learning Live 2024 - ignitED

Featured speaker Eric Toy presented a session titled Data Alchemy: Advanced Google Scripts and Sheets at ignitED, hosted by Fort Wayne Community...


Clusive® is an adaptive and accessible web-based reader designed to engage students in independent reading. Based on the inclusive principles of...

Bookshare Library

This resource is a free booksharing platform that allows readers to access digital texts on any device.

TSS: NaturalReader

This resource is an A.I. powered text-to-speech platform where educators or students can upload documents to be read aloud in any voice of their...

Science of Reading for English Learners

This curated resource is to support Educators of English Learners in implementing the Science of Reading.

Science of Reading for Students with Disabilities

This curated resource is to support Special Education Teacher’s efforts implementing the Science of Reading in serving students with disabilities.

Taking a Deeper Dive: Unpacking the 2023 Mathematics Frameworks

As schools begin to implement the 2023 Indiana Academic Standards, it is more important than ever for educators, coaches, administrators, and all...

Figurative Language Guidance Document

The purpose of this document is to define and specify the elements of figurative language for use with Indiana Academic Standards for...

Greek/Latin Roots and Affixes Guidance

The purpose of this guidance is to define and specify Greek and Latin roots and affixes for use with vocabulary instruction and morphological study...

Next Generation Science Standards Parent Guide: Grades 3-5

The NGSS Parent Guides show how students build an understanding of science concepts over time. Sections include “How will we prepare students for...

3-Dimensional Instruction

This resource from the Rhode Island Department of Education describes how 3D learning is different, how often each of the 3 dimensions should be...

Summer of Learning Live 2024 - Tech InspirED

Matt Miller presented the keynote address, Tomorrow Glasses, at Tech InspirED, hosted by Clay Community Schools.