Wide Open School is a free collection of online learning experiences and activities for kids brought to you by Common Sense. All resources are...
YouTube is an incredible learning tool, but distractions seem to come hand in hand. With VideoLink, however, you can crop and share YouTube videos...
Are you a parent or educator that works with learners in grades 3-12? You may have heard of Indiana’s Alternate Measure (I AM), an accountability...
Are you a parent or educator that works with learners in grades 3-12? You may have heard of Indiana’s Alternate Measure (I AM), an accountability...
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal law that requires state testing once a year. In this resource from the Indiana Department of...
Join Jessica Zepik, Media/eLearning Specialist at South Madison Community Schools, as she shares easy ways to quickly evaluate a tech tool or app to...
Are you wanting to assign a YouTube video to your students but don't want the ads, distractions, or an unrelated video to play next?...
Preparing for case conferences requires an incredible amount of organization and prep work. If you're unfamiliar with Article 7, it is the full...
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal law that requires state testing once a year. Learn more about ESSA and the differences between a...
StoryJumper is a great website that offers students the chance to write, create, and publish their own stories. This site provides simple creating...
Protecting your personal data on the internet is a vital skill for students to understand. These interactive lessons and activities from Common Sense...
Kids don't have to be destined for a life of computer programing to enjoy coding. Every student should have a chance to explore coding for its many...
How much do you know about cybersecurity?Test your knowledge on cybersecurity topics and terms by taking this 10-question quiz. When you finish, you...
Code.org and Hour of Code have inspired millions to try coding. They've introduced computer science courses in hundreds of thousands of classrooms....
Class Dojo has launched some great new features that allow parents and students to share the classroom experience. With portfolios, students can take...
Preparing for case conferences requires an incredible amount of organization and prep work. Use this resource from the Indiana Department of...
Preparing for case conferences requires an incredible amount of organization and prep work. Use this resource from the Indiana Department of...
Preparing for case conferences requires an incredible amount of organization and prep work. Use this resource to help parents collaborate with...
Preparing for case conferences requires an incredible amount of organization and prep work. Use this resource as a checklist for creating student...
What do we do when we find the perfect video for our students, but we fear users' comments, ads, or additional content viewable in the margins? This...