Resources FILTERED

TeachingBooks: Custom Reading Lists

TeachingBooks is a database of resources for children's and young adult books and their authors and illustrators, including short movies,...

TeachingBooks: A Video Introduction

TeachingBooks is a database of resources for children's and young adult books and their authors and illustrators, including short movies,...

Creating Icons using AutoDraw

Are you wanting to create the perfect icon but struggle with drawing? Paula from SlidesMania feels the same way and has created a tutorial on how to...

Understanding Privacy on Social Media

All social networking sites have privacy settings that allow you to control who you share with. Why would we want to change these settings? How do we...

Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is a crucial piece that needs to be taught at every grade level, especially now in virtual/ hybrid learning times. How do we...

Learning Lab: An Overview

Are you a teacher, administrator, or caregiver? Are you looking for help in navigating the virtual space? Look no further! The Indiana Learning Lab...

Hexagonal Thinking | Getting Started

Hexagonal thinking is a fantastic framework for discussion and critical thinking. We love this protocol for its versatility and power. In this...

Integrated STEM Classroom Look-Fors Tool

This resource is intended to guide educators as they observe student learning in integrated STEM classrooms, allowing them to highlight student...

Integrated STEM Vision Boards

This resource guides educators through an activity during which they create vision boards that capture their ideas and plans for integrated STEM...

3D Assessments in Integrated STEM Classroom

This resource is designed to facilitate group discussion and reflection about 3D assessments in integrated STEM. The resource explains the...

The Engineering Design Process and Design Thinking

This resource is intended to give educators the opportunity to dive deeper into the engineering design process and elements of design thinking....

Engineering Features and Practices in Integrated STEM Learning

This resource aims to facilitate discussion and reflection on the role of engineering in integrated STEM classrooms. Educators will have the...

Serving Special Populations in the Integrated STEM Classroom

This resource explains neurodiversity and emphasizes the importance of providing STEM learning opportunities for neurodiverse students, as well as...

Data in the Integrated STEM Classroom

This resource guides educators in reflecting on the data currently being used at the beginning, middle, and end of integrated STEM coaching learning...

Classroom Structures for Integrated STEM Learning

This resource focuses on defining integrated STEM learning and exploring strategies to support it. Participants explore the importance of...

Formative and 3D Assessments in Integrated STEM Learning

This resource is designed to facilitate group discussion and reflection about formative and 3D assessments in integrated STEM. Formative assessments...

The Role of Language Arts in Integrated STEM Learning

This resource is designed to facilitate a group discussion about the role of language arts in integrated STEM learning. Participants will consider...

Integrated STEM, Art, and Electives

This resource is designed to facilitate a group discussion about the role of the arts and electives in integrated STEM learning. The ultimate goal of...

The Use of Evidence in the Integrated STEM Classroom

This resource explains the importance of evidence-based reasoning and argumentation in integrated STEM learning experiences. It defines...

The Role of Teacher Questioning in Integrated STEM

This resource explores the role of teacher questioning in integrated STEM learning and emphasizes the importance of high-quality, intentional teacher...