Resources FILTERED

Accelerate Learning By Building on Student Assessments: On-Demand Workshop

Examine tech-inspired strategies that push past basic skill-building and focus on student assets. Join guest presenters Brooke Watkins and Heather...

Kickstarting Kindergarten for Administrators: On-Demand Workshop

Check out this workshop, led by Sarah Parks-Reese and the Indiana Department of Education, to learn more about how administrators of early learning...

Digital Diet

Is your plate full? Has your taste for technology changed? Have you lost track of time while snacking on social media? Perhaps a digital diet can...

Making Blended Learning Happen: Differentiation with Google Forms

In this workshop, you will learn how Google Forms can create mastery paths for students. This workshop, led by guest presenter Jonathan Winslow,...

Social Presence and Interaction in E-Learning

View this video, provided by the European Distance and E-Learning Network, to hear from experts and researchers on the role of social interaction in...

STEM School Recertification: What You Need to Know Before You Apply: On-Demand Workshop

Is your school up for STEM School recertification this year? Did you know the rubric has changed from the last time you were certified? Join Dana...

25+ Ways to Boost Student Engagement

As a special education teacher, guest presenter Tammy Meyers has to get and keep her students' attention right away or she loses them. Over the years...

Results Driven Accountability: Moving Forward

Check out this workshop led by Angela Vaughn, Special Education Specialist. She discusses the purpose of Results Driven Accountability, provides...

Rolling out the 2020 WIDA Standards: On-Demand Workshop

Adam Pitt, IDOE's Assistant Director of English Learners & Migrant English Learners, provides an overview of the rollout plan for the 2020 Edition of...

Making Blended Learning Happen: Station Rotations

Blended learning can take many forms. Station rotations are one form of blended learning that can be tricky to manage and plan. With the help of an...

What Are Your Students Eating? Nourish Your Learners!: On-Demand Workshop

What does high-quality feedback look like for your learners? Are we engaging in teacher-student, student-student, and authentic audience feedback?...

Uncovering Indiana’s Migratory Student Populations: On-Demand Workshop

IDOE's Migrant Education Specialist, Emily Salinas, gives an overview of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) in Indiana with the assistance of Adam...

Climbing the Ladder with Credits that Matter!: On-Demand Workshop

The Indiana College Core is a block of 30 credit hours of general education college-level coursework that transfers seamlessly among all Indiana...

Dig Deep: Digital Learning Environments & Engagement: On-Demand Workshop

Creating a positive culture and keeping students engaged in a digital environment can be challenging for many educators. This deep dive will focus on...

Curriculum MATHing + I Can Statements: On-Demand Workshop

Curriculum mapping math standards is a complex process for any team of teachers. Get a high-level overview of how to begin mapping math standards...

Dig Deep: Instructional Design and Digital Pedagogy | On-Demand Workshop

Digital Learning is different from traditional learning. Providing opportunities for students to learn digitally through virtual instruction, in a...

Dig Deep: Digital Citizenship & Professional Responsibilities: On-Demand Workshop

Although most students are comfortable using technology, the myth of the digital native is just that: a myth. Check out this workshop led by Diana...

After Good Cause Exemption - Now What?: On-Demand Workshop

Roughly 6,000 students qualify for Good Cause Exemptions each year in Indiana. Check out this workshop where Alicia Gatewood shares the immediate...

Academic Impact Overview & Curriculum Priorities: On-Demand Workshop

As a result of the academic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must accelerate learning for all students. Check out this workshop where Dr. Eimear...