These blueprints reflect the standards tested in each checkpoint for the Through-Year ILEARN (Checkpoints) Assessment pilot program.To see each grade...
It can be a challenge to find digital resources for math. GeoGebra is a great digital tool for engaging students in math concepts. Use this resource...
Creating animated videos is easy when you use Stop Motion Studio. After you watch the video tutorial, visit Stop Motion Studio and...
Piktochart is an online service that allows you to make professional-looking, impactful infographics without complex design software or designer...
Two of our friends, Pear Deck and Gimkit, have come together to create an awesome, engaging vocabulary activity for students! In Pear...
No matter your content area or grade band, the quest for engaging and exciting lessons is never-ending. In this article from We Are Teachers,...
This presentation covers the characteristics of different types of English/language arts (ELA) constructed response items and the methods for scoring...
Online and virtual learning options are not just for emergency situations, they should be a part of the regular educational ecosystem that is public...
In this session, presenter Kathy Collins will show how to use read alouds, text sets, and related experiences to support children’s concept and...
This playlist from UCLA helps to clarify how AI and algorithms function. Video topics include AI & Bias - What are Algorithms and How Do They Work,...
In this session, presenter Kathy Collins will share some practical ideas to help teachers and caregivers read aloud to children in ways that are both...
To be used as schools develop AI policy, TeachAI presents seven principles for AI in education, along with questions to discuss and consider, a...
This resource is designed to support school leaders looking to incorporate AI guidelines into existing policies, such as policies for responsible...
From TeachAI's policy resources collection, this Google Slides presentation can be copied, edited, and used to facilitate discussions about AI.
From TeachAI's policy resources collection, this resource provides talking points for discussions and presentations about artificial intelligence.
From TeachAI's policy resources collection, this resource provides a brief explanation of AI, AI Literacy, and common misconceptions about AI.
From TeachAI's policy resources collection, this resource examines the benefits of AI, potential risks, and how AI might change the workforce.
From TeachAI's policy resources collection, this resource offers data regarding the current opinions of students, teachers, and parents. It also...
From TeachAI's policy resources collection, this resource names a describes five key policy ideas related to AI in education.
AI for Teachers is a website dedicated to supporting the integration of Artificial Intelligence knowledge throughout K-12 learning. On the website,...