What do we do when we find the perfect video for our students, but we fear users' comments, ads, or additional content viewable in the margins? This...
Chromebooks are wonderful tools for teaching and learning. Did you know each Chromebook has a built-in camera? We know that sometimes students need...
Chromebooks are wonderful tools for teaching and learning. Users can use the Chromebook’s on-screen keyboard to type or handwrite text or add...
When working with students who have diverse needs, it's good to know that Google Chromebooks have been designed to be accessible for many different...
Now that student Chromebooks can utilize Android Apps, the need for educational review and privacy/policy checks is more important than ever. ...
We often think of Google Slides presentations as very linear: Slide 1 followed by Slide 2 followed by Slide 3. However, a feature in Slides...
There are many valuable applications available for students to use to make their thinking and learning visible. One very easy-to-use iPad...
There are many valuable applications available for students to use to make their thinking and learning visible. One very...
CSEdWeek is an annual call to action to inspire K-12 students to learn computer science, advocate for equity in computer science education, and...
Ryan Flessner breaks down the real-world multiplication and division standards in fourth into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.
Ryan Flessner breaks down the real-world multiplication and division standards in fifth grade into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment...
Ryan Flessner breaks down the real-world multiplication and division standards in third into useful strategies, lesson ideas, and assessment ideas.
This document unpacks the real-world multiplication and division standards for kindergarten through grade 8 with instructional strategy and...
Ryan Flessner gives an overview of the learning progression of the real-world multiplication and division standards from kindergarten through grade...
Popplet is a mind-mapping tool that is perfect for helping students visually represent their thinking, learning, and connections they make when...
Polypad is a collection of interactive digital manipulatives. In this video tutorial from Ms. D Bell, you will learn how to use the individual...
You probably think that project-based learning is not feasible in a remote, hybrid, or eLearning environment. PBL learning can occur in any location,...
Are you a teacher or parent in search of space-related resources to help support your learner or learners? This blog post by Richard Byrne highlights...
What is Nearpod? Check out this video resource for a brief overview! Nearpod is an interactive learning tool that allows the teacher to create...
What is Nearpod? Nearpod is an interactive learning tool that allows the teacher to create engaging lessons. This tool will enable you to show...