Resources FILTERED

Early Learning Physical Health and Growth Instructional Framework (Spanish)/Marcos de aprendizaje temprano: Salud física y crecimiento

SPANISHThis instructional framework is intended to be a resource for educators to support and enhance children’s learning and development while...

Early Learning Creative Arts Instructional Framework (Spanish)/Marcos de aprendizaje temprano: Artes creativas

SPANISHThis instructional framework is intended to be a resource for educators to support and enhance children’s learning and development while...

Early Learning Approaches to Play and Learning Instructional Framework (Spanish)/Marcos de aprendizaje temprano: Enfoques para el juego y el aprendizaje

SPANISHThis instructional framework is intended to be a resource for educators to support and enhance children’s learning and development while...

Early Learning Student Wellbeing Instructional Framework (Spanish)/Marcos de aprendizaje temprano: Bienestar de los alumnos

SPANISHThis instructional framework is intended to be a resource for educators to support and enhance children’s learning and development while...

Early Learning Social Studies Instructional Framework (Spanish)/Marcos de aprendizaje temprano: Estudios sociales

SPANISHThis instructional framework is intended to be a resource for educators to support and enhance children’s learning and development while...

Early Learning Science Instructional Framework (Spanish)/Marcos de aprendizaje temprano: Ciencia

SPANISHThis instructional framework is intended to be a resource for educators to support and enhance children’s learning and development while...

Early Learning Mathematics Instructional Framework (Spanish)/Marcos de aprendizaje temprano: Matemáticas

SPANISHThis instructional framework is intended to be a resource for educators to support and enhance children’s learning and development while...

Early Learning English/Language Arts Instructional Framework (Spanish)/Marcos de aprendizaje temprano: Inglés/Artes del lenguaje

SPANISHThis instructional framework is intended to be a resource for educators to support and enhance children’s learning and development while...

Imagination Library Family Guides (Spanish version) for Bilingual Books

Family guides in Spanish to accompany the bilingual books available to children and families from the Imagination Library.

EasterSeals Crossroads ATLAS Project

"The ATLAS Project offers an Equipment Lending Library, a no-cost service, that loans assistive technology devices, tool, apps and resource materials...

Indiana Educational Resource Center

The IERC is a statewide, centralized repository of Accessible Education Materials (AEM) for school-age students who are blind or visually impaired,...

English Leaner PD Calendar

A calendar of professional development events of interest to English learner educators in Indiana. 

English Leaners and Evaluation for Special Education

This document outlines the Article 7 requirements that should be considered closely when evaluating ELs with a suspected disability.

Teaching English Language Learners

This module helps teachers understand second language acquisition, the importance of academic English, and instructional practices that will enhance...

Dual Language Learners with Disabilities

This module offers an overview of young children who are dual language learners. Further, it highlights the importance of maintaining children and...

Parent and Student Forms: Preparing for the IEP Meeting

These forms were developed to help IEP teams work with parents and students to gather information and perspectives prior to the IEP meeting to ensure...

IEP Team Meeting Guide for Families

This resource includes information to consider before, during, and after the IEP meeting. It includes information about the parts of the meeting,...

IEP Tip Sheet for Parents: An Overview of the IEP

This tip sheet, An Overview of the IEP: What to Know About Your Child's IEP and How It is Developed is intended to help parents understand the key...

IEP Tip Sheet for Parents: The IEP Team

This tip sheet reviews the members of the IEP team and their roles. It highlights required members and additional members who may be beneficial in...