Join members of the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) STEM Team and expert educator, Deb Vannatter to learn more about the 2022 Grade 4 Science...
Future City is a project-based learning program where 6th, 7th, and 8th graders imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future.In this...
In this resource from Richard Byrne, discover CanvasMol, an online 3D model of molecules. With over fifty unique models including common molecules...
The Purdue University Kids STEM Degree consists of 10 videos (3-5 minutes) for each level and assessments for each video. Students will have the...
"STEMworks is your go-to resource for finding and investing in the nation’s leading STEM education programs."In this resource, learn about specific...
IDOE is proud to host Guilford Elementary School from Plainfield as they share highlights about their school and their STEM Certification process....
Join members of the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) STEM Team and expert educator, Kristen Poindexter to learn more about the 2022...
Join members of the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) STEM Team and expert educator, Dawn Bick to learn more about the 2022 Grade 2 Science...
Join members of the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) STEM Team to learn more about the 2022 Grade 3 Science Standards and Frameworks.Workshop...
Are you ready for a closer look at three dimensional learning after viewing NGSS: A 3D Approach to Science Instruction? Join IDOE STEM Team members...
Are you ready for a closer look at three-dimensional learning after viewing "NGSS: A 3D Approach to Science Instruction"? In this workshop, IDOE STEM...
CodeHS is a top coding education platform for schools. "Everything You Need, All In One Spot" - Integrate the coding curriculum with your learning...
This resource from iCompute provides a downloadable copy of Scratch 3.0 blocks. Easily edited, these can be used variously for instruction. Print...
Take your students on virtual field trips without leaving the classroom. These no-cost learning experiences from Discovery Education come with a...
Amazon Future Engineer is a social impact team at Amazon aimed at increasing access to computer science education to underserved and underrepresented...
Meta's Engineer for the Week is a free program that introduces engineering to learners (ages 11-18) historically underrepresented in STEM. Over 15-20...
Wix, the popular website design tool, now offers teachers and students a free web design resource. Wix Education is a space for future web creators...
IDOE is excited to host CodeHS for learning about computer science and science in middle school. In this workshop, teachers learn how to promote...
Join IDOE’s Dr. Eimear Towler and Dana Calfee to appreciate the philosophy behind Indiana’s newly adopted science standards. Participants will...
This resource shows key features of the 2016 6-8 Computer Science Standards. The 2022 Indiana Academic Science and Computer Science Standards are...