Resources FILTERED

And then i was like... A GIF-Creation Tool

GIFs, or graphics interchange format, are essentially moving image files. Leveraging GIFs in the classroom can be a great way to promote creativity,...

What are Visual Cues?

AFIRM, or Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules, an extension of the National Professional Development Center, has produced a family...

The Power of Visuals to Engage Your Audience

No matter where your classroom is, whether you are virtual, hybrid, or in a traditional classroom setting, visual cues are important for all...

6 Essential Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners

Are you looking to support English Learners? This post from Emily Kaplan and Edutopia outlines six strategies to help when teaching English...

6 Key Considerations for Supporting English Learners with Distance Learning

As we've moved from remote learning back to traditional or hybrid learning — or perhaps you've stayed virtual!— we can take what we've learned...

Leaders Eat Last: A No Book Study in 25 Minutes: On-Demand Workshop

Check out this workshop, led by Diana Smith (Director of Digital Learning) and Rebecca Estes (Senior Director of Educator Talent), on key...

12 Ways to Support English Learners in the Mainstream Classroom

Are you looking for resources to support English Learners (ELs) in your classroom? The Cult of Pedagogy has interviewed three EL teachers and...

Healthy Tech Habits for Post-COVID Teaching

As we move into a post-COVID landscape of teaching and learning, you may be ready to reassess the educational technology tools and habits you picked...

Earth day STEAM Activities

These STEAM activity ideas from Erik Murray are perfect for celebrating Earth Day or thinking creatively about our planet's future any time...

Growth Mindset Lesson and Other Teacher Resources

Author and educator Shannon Anderson has compiled various social-emotional learning items for teachers. Dive into this site for resources covering...

UDL & Blended Learning: An On-Demand Workshop

Brenny Kummer, Coordinator of Instructional Technology at Batholomew Consolidated School Corporation, leads the discussion on utilizing Universal...

Lexile Hub

A Lexile Level is a popular method used by schools to measure how difficult a text is OR a student's reading ability level. Use this resource to...

Positive Relationships and Empowering Families

This video from Formed Families Forward was created for the state of Virginia but contains universal ideas. Watch educators discuss successes when...

A Guide for Engaging ELL Families: Twenty Strategies for School Leaders

When we as teachers are reaching out to families, it is important to make sure we are connecting with all families. This resource provided by...

Resources for Early Learning: Build Relationships with Families

This self-paced learning module provided by Resources For Early Learning includes instruction, videos, printable resources, and an activity to...

Edutopia Parent Engagement Video Playlist

This playlist features four videos from Edutopia, all of which are less than six minutes long and feature practical ideas for connecting with...

Organize Your Google Drive Folders and Subfolders

In this video from Amy Stevens, learn about creating folders and sub-folders in your Google Drive to keep you organized throughout your school...

How to Begin Positive Relationships with Families: 8 Tips to Try

Empathy and trust are critical to building relationships with parents and caregivers. This article from Understood  helps teachers think through how...

The Eight Ps of Parent Engagement

Are you hoping to expand and improve parental engagement? This resource, which provides an infographic featuring eight tips for schools to support...

Traffic Light Feedback

Needing to have students give each other feedback or reflect on others' work? This simple protocol is great for learning reflections and feedback,...