This curated collection offers resources to build artificial intelligence literacy, with resources organized by expertise level. Whether you're just...
Meaningful feedback is critical to the learning process. In this collection, learn how families and educators alike can utilize feedback practices...
Social presence is a vital component of student engagement and success in the virtual classroom. In this collection, learn more about what social...
Building strong relationships between schools and families contributes positively to student outcomes. In this collection, gather actionable ideas...
FERPA, CIPA, COPPA, eRate, DigCit, and more: this collection shares resources to bridge the gap between the technology department and instructional...
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework developed by CAST which gives all students equal opportunities to succeed. This collection...
Check out this collection to learn about what digital storytelling telling is and how to use this pedagogical tool with students in your classroom....
In order to build connections in a virtual setting, instructors need to establish a “teacher-presence.” Researchers Stone and Springer describe...
With this collection, build your understanding of blended learning and discover resources and examples to help you implement a successful blended...
This collection of resources is a starting point for professional development for high-quality virtual learning.You may also be interested in...
This collection can be used as a starting point for professional development about artificial intelligence. The collection contents include AI...
In this collection, explore on-demand workshops focused on the Science of Reading. A body of research from education, cognitive psychology,...
This collection contains the following resources for GRADE 5:Mathematics and ELA FrameworksCheckpoint PLD Maps for Mathematics and ELAMathematics and...
This collection contains the following resources for GRADE 4:Mathematics and ELA FrameworksCheckpoint PLD Maps for Mathematics and ELAMathematics and...
AI Insights for Educators is a series of presentations from experts, researchers, and authors, featuring important topics related to AI in education....
Parents and families can use these artificial intelligence (AI) resources to support their students. Resources include tips for discussions and...
This collection contains the following resources for GRADE 3:Mathematics and ELA FrameworksCheckpoint PLD Maps for Mathematics and ELAMathematics and...
Looking to infuse some new ideas into your classroom? This collection provides resources related to the ideas referenced in the IDOE's New Year, New...
After reading "Digital For Good" by ISTE/ASCD CEO Richard Culatta, Digital Learning Specialists Meri Carnahan and Alisha Foor from the IDOE Office of...
Are you supporting a child receiving special education services. This collection provide links to IDOE special education resources for families,...