Resources FILTERED

Would You Rather...? Math Resources

Would you rather buy two boxes of cereal and get another for 50% off, or buy one box of cereal and get another 25% off?Would You Rather...? is a...

Wooclap: An Overview

Wooclap is a free tool that allows you to engage your learners and quickly measure their understanding with a variety of different response...

Timers in Google Slides

Sometimes it helps to have a timer to keep lessons and presentations on track. Unfortunately, Google Slides doesn't have a built-in timer feature....

Mercury Reader Chrome Extension

With all the ads and clutter of online articles, it can be hard to stay focused while reading. The Mercury Reader Chrome extension makes online...

Using Canvas to Flip Your Classroom

In this short video, the CanvasLMS team explains how to use Canvas to begin "flipping" your classroom and moving towards a more student-centered...

Wonderopolis: Educator's Guide

Wonderopolis is an engaging website that allows students to ask questions and learn from others. In this eight page resource for teachers AND...